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Rehabs in Wayne

Rehabs in Wayne

Wayne is a U.S. county situated in the state of Illinois. It is quite large in its area, stretching about 715 square miles with a population of over 16,760. The main seat is Fairfield. Based on recent data, there are 7,102 households and 4,853 families in Wayne.

All in all, it is a thriving county, facing constant development in the major fields, including education and healthcare. Still, as in most other places in the state of Illinois, the healthcare sphere is facing serious issues that demand outright handling. And substance abuse is one of them.

Drug addiction in the U.S. is a major issue at present, and, in fact, all the states are more or less facing the same problem. Illinois is not an exception. Comparing the data of the recent two or three years, unfortunately, it is evident that fatal overdose cases have registered an unprecedented 33% rise.

Substance abuse cases are all over the state, inflicting almost every county. For this very reason, the local government is continuously trying to find ways for fighting against the problem. One of the main steps the authorities take is cooperating with Wayne County rehabs and creating beneficial conditions for their resident-orientated activities.

Wayne County Rehab Programs

To help people with substance addictions, there are two main rehab types designed and developed for people with different severity of addictions. For all the states the programs are the same – Inpatient and Outpatient. There is a huge difference between these two options, and only specialists can identify which type is favorable for certain patients.

Besides the main treatment options, there are also additional services, that are also of great significance, and they form an important part of the recovery process. Some of the most known components of the recovery process are detox and aftercare.


The recovery process consists of several crucial steps. One of the first and most decisive stages is detox. In fact, other stages and processes will not be efficient without successfully completing detox. So, what is detox? People who use substances have a large poison concentration in their organisms that need to be cleaned. Detox is the procedure when all the toxins are drawn out of the body, preparing it for further treatment. It’s obvious that if it is completed successfully, then the coming stages will probably be successful.

Detox is a dangerous process and it must take place only in professional settings, under the strict attention of specialists.

Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab

Addictions can be of different severity and levels, thus demanding different approaches and help. For this reason, rehabilitation centers have developed two different programs that would be beneficial for all patients.

People who have suffered addictions for longer periods need more serious treatment, constant supervision, and 24-hour professional care. Thus, Inpatient help is the best choice for them. It is residential care and it may take either 30, 60, or 90 days of stay. The drawback of Inpatient care is that it demands full-time concentration and engagement, also, complete isolation.

Yet, there is another treatment option – Outpatient, that is favorable for people with milder cases of substance abuse. It does not require full-time concentration and lifestyle changes. Only several hours a day are enough to achieve the expected results.

Aftercare in Wayne County

Aftercare is the range of various services that come after the main support – be it Inpatient or Outpatient. After the completion of the treatment, a person still needs further help to stabilize the gained results. Generally, by saying aftercare we mean such services as psychological help, individual or group therapies, or other services available in the rehabs.

Addiction Treatment Costs

It is not a secret that healthcare is one of the most expensive sectors, demanding a lot of time and financial investments. Sometimes certain centers still accept partial insurance; however, it does not always work.

On average, the costs vary between $4,000 to $5,000 for milder cases, when people undergo outpatient aid. When it comes to residential care, the costs might rise up to $20,000 per month.